Read the Quran in French, Arabic or phonetics in 30 days through the partition by Juz or Hizb

Hizb Quran and Juz Quran

Studying the Holy Quran is the noblest cause one can wish to serve. All the efforts a believer may want to put into memorizing the Holy Quran will be an investment, provided it is sincere, with the Compassionate, the Wise, who sees what the hearts contain of good and bad without it detracting in any way from His Knowledge and Power.

Allocating time to learn the Word of Allah, understand it, memorize it, and especially put it into practice is a duty that many faithful encounter difficulties with. Therefore, the purpose of this site is to humbly assist anyone who wishes to read or understand the Quran, featuring functionalities dedicated to those devoting their time to the study of the Quran.

Reading, listening, and organizing the study of the Word of Allah through a member space are just the main features of coran-farnç

The "Juz and Hizb" section is specifically divided into Juz, which literally means a part or section. The Holy Quran is thus divided into 30 ajza (plural of Juz in Arabic) and 60 ahzab (plural of Hizb in Arabic). It is therefore common to hear in everyday language that someone has learned "the 60," meaning they have memorized the entire Quran.

This meticulous work offers those who wish to organize their reading or learning with a partition that strictly respects the fragmentation of the Quran into 30 Juz and 60 Hizb, sections or parts of the Quran. The 114 surahs, not identical in length, of our sacred Book are thus grouped as follows: 1 Juz equals 2 Hizb, 30 Juz of similar length correspond to 60 Hizb. A dedicated reader can hope to complete a monthly reading, in accordance with the Sunnah of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, by reading one Juz per day, that is, two Hizbs per day. Moreover, the faithful can also organize according to their schedule and obligations to complete it in two months if they can only read one Hizb daily. They will then read only one part or section per day. The important thing is not to read a large quantity of Quran pages but to establish and maintain a constant relationship with the Noble Word of Allah each day. Everyone at their own pace.

No compulsion in religion as Allah reminds us in Surah Al-Baqarah, the second chapter of the Quran:

No compulsion in religion! The right path has become distinct from the wrong. So whoever rejects false gods and believes in Allah has certainly grasped the firmest handhold, which will never break. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. Verse 256 Surah 2, a modern tool in the service of the Word of Allah. Having a dedicated site for the Quran in Arabic and French, especially one divided in this way, greatly facilitates the steps a servant takes each day in their quest for closeness to their Lord through the Holy Quran. There is no need to master this method of partitioning by heart or to calculate where you are in your reading. With, the reader quickly knows how to navigate through reading or learning with the Juz and Hizb page.

Women, men, and children, in all situations and regardless of their reading level, can benefit from the advantages provided by and this practical section. You follow your learning and reading without worrying about where you are.

This work aims only to help you better learn, read, and listen to the Word of Allah. To ensure distances are no longer an obstacle to studying the Quran, this site has been developed, and its various features have been designed to maximize your access to the Message of Allah, the Quran. You no longer have to wait to get home to read the Quran and find the page where you left off, nor do you have to worry about the state of your Holy Book copy when you take it with you.

You have an optimized and modern version of the Holy Quran with a meticulous partition of pages into parts (Hizb) and subparts (Juz).

Feel free to sign up for the member area to benefit from even more innovative features. Whether you are a novice needing support or already independent and diligent in learning, you will find the ideal space for Quran lovers in the member area.

In the member area, you can mark the verses or surahs that interest you, moved you, or that you want to memorize to revisit them next time. Mark to continue memorizing as often as necessary, or mark to appreciate the meanings of important verses to us, you are free to use this feature in your member area.

You have every reason to revisit a surah or a verse. The beauties of the Quran are discovered day by day.

Do you prefer to use occasionally? You will surely appreciate:

Listening in Arabic, French, or phonetics. The possibility to display another version of the Quran than the one you are listening to as follows:

Listening in Arabic? With one click on the verse, you can display below the listened Arabic version:

  • The French translation of the meanings of the verses (by Muhammad Hamidullah)
  • The phonetic version

Listening or reading the Quran in French? With one click on the listened verse, the display of the verses will appear in:

  • Arabic version
  • Phonetic version

Do you prefer to start your reading in phonetics? You will be able to display below each verse the French or Arabic version of the Quran while you are listening.

Sonia Djebaili has contributed to this page

Welcome to Coran English! If you'd like to contribute to the future of Coran English, please contact us.
Sonia Djebaili - Author and entrepreneur

Juz 1   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 1   English | Arabic | Phonetic (1:1) - (2:74)
Hizb 2   English | Arabic | Phonetic (2:75) - (2:141)
Juz 2   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 3   English | Arabic | Phonetic (2:142) - (2:202)
Hizb 4   English | Arabic | Phonetic (2:203) - (2:252)
Juz 3   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 5   English | Arabic | Phonetic (2:253) - (3:14)
Hizb 6   English | Arabic | Phonetic (3:15) - (3:92)
Juz 4   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 7   English | Arabic | Phonetic (3:93) - (3:170)
Hizb 8   English | Arabic | Phonetic (3:171) - (4:23)
Juz 5   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 9   English | Arabic | Phonetic (4:24) - (4:87)
Hizb 10   English | Arabic | Phonetic (4:88) - (4:147)
Juz 6   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 11   English | Arabic | Phonetic (4:148) - (5:26)
Hizb 12   English | Arabic | Phonetic (5:27) - (5:81)
Juz 7   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 13   English | Arabic | Phonetic (5:82) - (6:35)
Hizb 14   English | Arabic | Phonetic (6:36) - (6:110)
Juz 8   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 15   English | Arabic | Phonetic (6:111) - (6:165)
Hizb 16   English | Arabic | Phonetic (7:1) - (7:87)
Juz 9   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 17   English | Arabic | Phonetic (7:88) - (7:170)
Hizb 18   English | Arabic | Phonetic (7:171) - (8:40)
Juz 10   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 19   English | Arabic | Phonetic (8:41) - (9:33)
Hizb 20   English | Arabic | Phonetic (9:34) - (9:92)
Juz 11   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 21   English | Arabic | Phonetic (9:93) - (10:25)
Hizb 22   English | Arabic | Phonetic (10:26) - (11:5)
Juz 12   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 23   English | Arabic | Phonetic (11:6) - (11:83)
Hizb 24   English | Arabic | Phonetic (11:84) - (12:52)
Juz 13   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 25   English | Arabic | Phonetic (12:53) - (13:18)
Hizb 26   English | Arabic | Phonetic (13:19) - (14:52)
Juz 14   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 27   English | Arabic | Phonetic (15:1) - (16:50)
Hizb 28   English | Arabic | Phonetic (16:51) - (16:128)
Juz 15   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 29   English | Arabic | Phonetic (17:1) - (17:98)
Hizb 30   English | Arabic | Phonetic (17:99) - (18:74)
Juz 16   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 31   English | Arabic | Phonetic (18:75) - (19:98)
Hizb 32   English | Arabic | Phonetic (20:1) - (20:135)
Juz 17   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 33   English | Arabic | Phonetic (21:1) - (21:112)
Hizb 34   English | Arabic | Phonetic (22:1) - (22:78)
Juz 18   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 35   English | Arabic | Phonetic (23:1) - (24:20)
Hizb 36   English | Arabic | Phonetic (24:21) - (25:21)
Juz 19   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 37   English | Arabic | Phonetic (25:22) - (26:110)
Hizb 38   English | Arabic | Phonetic (26:111) - (27:55)
Juz 20   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 39   English | Arabic | Phonetic (27:56) - (28:50)
Hizb 40   English | Arabic | Phonetic (28:51) - (29:45)
Juz 21   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 41   English | Arabic | Phonetic (29:46) - (31:21)
Hizb 42   English | Arabic | Phonetic (31:22) - (33:30)
Juz 22   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 43   English | Arabic | Phonetic (33:31) - (34:23)
Hizb 44   English | Arabic | Phonetic (34:24) - (36:27)
Juz 23   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 45   English | Arabic | Phonetic (36:28) - (37:144)
Hizb 46   English | Arabic | Phonetic (37:145) - (39:31)
Juz 24   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 47   English | Arabic | Phonetic (39:32) - (40:40)
Hizb 48   English | Arabic | Phonetic (40:41) - (41:46)
Juz 25   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 49   English | Arabic | Phonetic (41:47) - (43:23)
Hizb 50   English | Arabic | Phonetic (43:24) - (45:37)
Juz 26   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 51   English | Arabic | Phonetic (46:1) - (48:17)
Hizb 52   English | Arabic | Phonetic (48:18) - (51:30)
Juz 27   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 53   English | Arabic | Phonetic (51:31) - (54:55)
Hizb 54   English | Arabic | Phonetic (55:1) - (57:29)
Juz 28   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 55   English | Arabic | Phonetic (58:1) - (61:14)
Hizb 56   English | Arabic | Phonetic (62:1) - (66:12)
Juz 29   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 57   English | Arabic | Phonetic (67:1) - (71:28)
Hizb 58   English | Arabic | Phonetic (72:1) - (77:50)
Juz 30   English | Arabic | Phonetic
Hizb 59   English | Arabic | Phonetic (78:1) - (86:17)
Hizb 60   English | Arabic | Phonetic (87:1) - (114:6)